IIT Madras invites applications from individuals with an established record of independent, high-quality research and commitment to teaching and research for faculty position at the level of:

Qualification and Experience:-Basic Qualification and Experience for the posts are given below. Qualification and Experience will be reckoned as on December 03, 2020.


Ph.D., with first class or equivalent at the preceding degree. Specialization in the appropriate area/branch with consistently good academic record throughout. Additional qualifications and specialization areas sought in each department are available at https://facapp.iitm.in as Annexure-1.

Assistant Professor (Grade II & Grade I)

  1. Assistant Professor (Grade II): Candidates with less than three years of industrial/ research/ teaching experience may be considered for this post.
  2. Assistant Professor (Grade I): Candidates with at least three years of industrial/research/ teaching experience may be considered for the post. The experience gained while pursuing Ph.D is excluded for consideration. Assistant Professor candidates should preferably be below 35 years of age as on December 03, 2020.

Pay level along with approximate total emoluments at the minimum of the scale:

  • Assistant Professor Grade-II: Pay Level: 10 Minimum Pay: ₹ 70900/-
  • Assistant Professor Grade-I: Pay Level: 12 Minimum Pay: ₹101500/-

Additional Information:-

  1. Permanent faculty positions are open to Indian Nationals, Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) and overseas citizens of India (OCI). Appointment of foreign nationals for fixed period on contract basis is permissible.
  2. Political and security clearance from Ministries of External Affairs and Home Affairs may be necessary for individuals with foreign passports.
  3. Candidates employed in Government and Semi-Government Organizations, Public Undertakings, University and Educational Institutions must apply through their present employers. If they
    anticipate unavoidable delay in their applications being forwarded through proper channel, they may submit advance copies of their applications through the portal with information to the Dean (Admn.), IIT Madras.
  4. Candidates are requested to send their application in the prescribed format only.
  5. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not fill any or all the posts advertised.
  6. The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications, experience and other academic achievements higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
  7. The invitation to candidate for interview merely indicates that it is felt that he/she with others may be suitable for the post and conveys no assurance whatsoever that he/she will be recommended
    or selected or his/her conditions specified in the application will be accepted. 
  8. The Institute reserves the right to screen and call only such candidates as are found prima-facie suitable for being considered by the Selection Committee. Thus, just fulfilling the minimum
    prescribed conditions would not entitle one to be called for interview. 
  9. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from candidates regarding reason for not being called for interview / outcome of interview.
  10. The Institute may consider candidates whose area of specialization and specific qualification lie outside those stated herein, provided these persons have an outstanding record.
  11. Outstation candidates called for personal interview will be reimbursed to & fro 2 Tier AC Railway fare or economy class airfare by the shortest route, between the current place of duty / residence
    within India and Chennai. If coming from abroad for personal interview, reimbursement is limited to Rs.40,000/- (Rupees forty thousand only) or the actual fare whichever is less based on theshortest route to Chennai.
  12. The candidate is responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If it is found at a later date that any information given in the application is incorrect / false the candidature / appointment is liable to be cancelled / terminated.
  13. Candidates can get in touch with the Head of the concerned Department for additional information.

Documents Required:-

Upload a detailed Academic Profile which includes the following information

  1. Academic Qualifications and Experience in an academic CV format.
  2. A Teaching Plan, indicating core courses from the IITM core courses master list (available at the IITM website) that you can teach and also an expanded statement of your objectives and long term interests in coursework development. For those with prior teaching experience, the statement should contain student feedback ratings, profiles of “3 best courses” taught by the candidate in the last five years (profile should include course outline/teaching plan, novel methods used, if any, including online content, term papers, group activity etc.). The statement should also include details of any teaching-related awards and details of participation in teacher development programs as a participant or as a mentor.
  3. A Research Plan, highlighting your current and past research interests and achievements. Also, include your plans in the short and long terms. If applicable highlight the accomplishments of research scholars guided, especially where one can take pride in the work done or the role played in guidance. Candidates are required to upload reprints of his/her three best papers published. In addition, include a write-up on (a) why the work is essential (context), (b) a short description of their technical contribution of these papers and (c) if based on collaboration with nonstudents, the candidate’s specific contribution. The papers are to be uploaded in the upload section of the online application.
  4. Details of journal/conference papers, listed in reverse chronological order: Names of authors, the title of the paper, the name of the journal/conference, volume/ proceedings, pages (from – to), year, DOI if available, etc. Group the above as Journal Publications and those papers presented at National / International Conferences. For each paper, include citation count and Journal Impact factors as available.
  5. Awards, Patents, Prizes etc. listing:
    1. Nature, the name of prize/award, awarded by, awarded for, year of the award.
    2. Name of the patent, year and details about the patent, etc. as well as the applicant’s specific contribution vis-a-vis the co-inventors.
  6. Research guidance (Ph.D./M.S. only with formal guide/co-guide status) listing: Research degree, the name of the scholar, title of the thesis, year of award etc. The applicant’s guidance role, i.e. is sole-guide/primary-guide/co-guide must be indicated. Research guidance in progress may be indicated separately along with milestone(s) reached.
  7. Role in and details of Sponsored Research & Consulting projects carried out, listing: Type, Title of the project, duration, sponsor, value, co-investigators, if any, role of the candidate and specific contributions, etc. Candidates should highlight specific contributions, if any, pointing out the challenges overcome, the value of the work to the research community/industry.
  8. Other Activities like:
    1. Textbooks and Monographs written, with details on contributions.
    2. Continuing education programs/conferences organized (as an organizer or coorganizer) etc.
  9. Important service roles (institution building and student-centric roles) played in the institute in which the candidate has worked, giving details of the roles undertaken, significant accomplishments etc.
  10. Scan of key degree certificates and any other relevant but brief information on academic standing. All of the above items (D.2.1. to D.2.10.) must be included in the academic profile for completion of the application. If any item is not relevant “NR” may be indicated against it. Incomplete applications will not be accepted for further assessment. D.3. Candidates must contact the referees to send letters of reference directly to the Heads of the concerned departments, I.I.T. Madras, Chennai 600 036 either by post or by email on or before January 15, 2021; email addresses are listed at the IIT Madras website (www.iitm.ac.in.)

How to Apply :-

  1. Applications are to be submitted online through the link for this advertisement at facapp.iitm.ac.in; fillable forms and instructions can be found at the site. A scan of the signed copy of the datasheet has to be uploaded using the online link. In case of any queries regarding the application submission, please contact: Dean (Administration) IIT Madras Chennai 600 036. (deanadmn@iitm.ac.in). The completed application materials should be uploaded on or before December 03, 2020 – 5:00PM (IST)
  2. Instructions for completing the application are available on the application website- please refer to these instructions while filling the application. The application form/data sheet is a summary sheet mainly for data collection for statutory and statistical purposes, and all sections as specified in D.2 of this document should be detailed in the Academic Profile as given below and uploaded as a PDF.
  3. Other files as specified in Section 6 of the online application, must also be uploaded. A single application form is sufficient for applying to multiple departments. Relevant departments and positions can be selected in Section 7 of the online application after the required information in the earlier sections are entered.

To Know More:- Click Here

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