Dr. B.R Ambedkar Institute of Technology Portblair Recruitment Associate Professor vacancy

Qualification Details:-

It is for the information of all interested candidates that Andaman & Nicobar Administration decided to recruit Associate Professor on contract basis for the establishment of Dr. B R Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Port Blair for UG programs. The details along with the application proforma may be downloaded from url: https://www.andaman.gov.in for the following posts:

1. Name of the Post: Associate Professor

2. Nature of appointment: on contract basis

3. Period of appointment: Initially for 11 months (excluding vacation)

4. No. of Post: 01

5. Department: Civil Engineering

6. Associate Professor (Contractual): Academic level 13A with rationalized entry pay of Rs. 1,31,400/- plus DA as per 7th CPC plus Dearness Allowance.

7. Academic Qualification and Experience:

a. Ph.D. degree in the relevant field and First class or equivalent at either Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the relevant branch AND

b. At least total 6 research publications in SCI journals / UGC / AICTE approved list of journals. AND

c. Minimum of 8 years of experience in teaching / research / industry out of which at least 2 years shall be Post Ph.D. experience.

General Instructions and other Conditions:-

1. Candidates applying for the positions of Associate Professor must enclose a detailed academic profile including the following information:

a) Attach five copies of latest Bio-data, along with copies of publications along with application form.

b) Details of Awards, patents, prizes etc. nature and name of Prize/Award, Name of the patent, year and details about the patent etc.

c) Details of Research guidance (Ph.D./M.S./M.Tech./M.Sc./M. Phil):Research degree name of the scholar, title of thesis, year of award, co-guide, if any, etc.

d) Details of research/consultancy projects carried out: Title of the project, duration, sponsor, value, co-investigators, if any, etc.

e) Other activities: Text Books and Monographs written with publication details, Continuation Education programmes / Conferences organized.

f) A brief write up on their chosen area of research and their future vision for the same.

g) Any other relevant but brief information on your academic standing.

2. The interested candidates may download the application proforma from url: https://www.andaman.gov.in and send through post in the above mentioned address.

3. Candidates who have obtained postgraduate / Ph.D. degree from foreign universities should enclose “Equivalence Certificate” issued by the Association of Indian University (AIU), New Delhi, without which their candidature will not be considered.

4. Only those candidates should apply for the posts, which fulfil the eligibility criteria on or before the last date of receipt of applications.

5. All pages of application form and all enclosures attached with the application should be self-attested by the applicants.

6. In case the number of applications received is large, the candidates may be short listed on the basis of their qualifications higher than the minimum prescribed or such other criteria as deemed proper by the Competent Authority.

7. The A & N Administration reserves the right not to fill up all or any of the posts / vacancies advertised here in above without assigning reason.

8. Interview call letters shall be sent to the eligible / shortlisted candidates under certificate of postage / speed post / registered, whichever suitable. The University shall, however, not be responsible for any postal delay / lapse.

9. No TA / DA or any other allowance shall be admissible to the candidate for appearing in the interview.

10.Canvassing in any form by or on behalf of the candidates will amount to disqualification.

11.The candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their age, qualifications, experience etc. at the time of appearing in the interview. The Selected candidates shall also be required to produce the said documents at the time of joining the post to which they are appointed.

12.Candidates should write their e-mail and mobile number on the application form.


Dean (Academic), Academic Celln Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Pahargaon, Port Blair-744103, Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Selection Procedure:-

1. In case the number of applications received is large, the candidates may be short listed on the basis of their qualifications higher than the minimum prescribed or such other criteria as deemed proper by the Competent Authority.

2. Interview call letters shall be sent to the eligible / shortlisted candidates under certificate of postage / speed post / registered, whichever suitable. The University shall, however, not be responsible for any postal delay / lapse.

 How to Apply:-

1. The interested candidates may download the application proforma from url: https://www.andaman.gov.in and send through post in the above mentioned address.

2. The candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their age, qualifications, experience etc. at the time of appearing in the interview. The Selected candidates shall also be required to produce the said documents at the time of joining the post to which they are appointed.

3. Last Date of Submission 08.03.2022

4. The last date of submission of application shall be 30 days from the date of publication of recruitment notice.

5. The completely filled application form should be mailed at email: academiccell09@gmail.com also send a hardcopy of the application with selfattested copies of all testimonials to the following address through post: Address: Dean (Academic), Academic Cell Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Pahargaon, Port Blair-744103, Andaman and Nicobar Islands


Officially Notification:-  Download

Fill Online Application:- Click Here

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