Qualification Details:-

Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Form from the eligible candidates for appointment to the post of Professor, in the Academic Pay Level 14as per 7 th Central Pay Commission Pay Matrix, in various Departments of the University. The last date for receipt of application is 07.02.2022 or two weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News, whichever is later

1. Name of the Post: Professor

2. No of Post: 186

3. Qualifications:

Eligibility (A or B): A. (i) An eminent scholar having a Ph.D. Degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, and published work of high quality, actively engaged in research with evidence of published work with, a minimum of 10 research publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC-listed journals and a total research score of 120 as per the criteria.

(ii) A minimum of ten years of teaching experience in University/College as Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor/ Professor, and / or research experience at equivalent level at the University/National level Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidate. Or

B. An outstanding professional, having a Ph.D. Degree in the relevant/allied/applied disciplines, from any academic institutions (not included in A above) / industry, who has made significant contribution to the knowledge in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, supported by documentary evidence provided she/he has ten years’ experience.

I.For the discipline of Management Studies:

i) Essential:

1) Consistently good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) in Master’s Degree in Business Management / Administration/in a relevant discipline or consistently good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) in two year full time PGDM declared equivalent by AIU / recognized by the AICTE / UGC; OR First Class graduate and professionally qualified Chartered Accountant/Cost and works Accountant / Company Secretary of the concerned statutory body.

2) Ph. D. or Fellow of Indian Institute of Management or of an Institute recognized by AICTE and declared equivalent by the AIU.

3) A minimum of ten years’ experience of teaching / industry / research / professional out of which five years must be at the level of Reader or equivalent excluding the period spent for obtaining the research degree. OR

4) In the event the candidate is from industry and the profession, the following shall constitute as essential:

(a) Consistently good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) in Master’s Degree in Business Management /Administration/in a relevant management related discipline or consistently good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) in two years full time PGDM declared equivalent by AIU/recognized by the AICTE / UGC. OR First Class graduate and professionally qualified Charted Accountant/Cost and works Accountant / Company Secretary of the concerned statutory body.

(b) The candidate should have professional work experience which is significant and can be recognized at national/International level as equivalent to Ph.D. and twelve years’ managerial experience in industry/profession of which at least eight years should be at least at a level comparable to that of Reader/Assistant Professor.

5) Without prejudice to the above, the following conditions may be considered desirable:

i) Teaching, research, and /or professional experience in a reputed organization;

ii) Published work, such as research papers, patents filed/obtained, books and/or technical reports;

iii) Experience of guiding the project work/dissertation of PG/Research Students or supervising R&D projects in industry;

iv) Demonstrated leadership in planning and organizing academic, research, industrial and / or professional activities; and

v) Capacity to undertake/lead sponsored R&D consultancy and related activities.

II.For the discipline of Music

Eligibility (A or B): A. i) an eminent scholar having a doctoral degree

ii) have been actively engaged in research with at least ten years of experience in teaching in University/ College and / or research at the University/national level institutions

iii) minimum of 6 research publications in the peer-reviewed or UGC -listed journals ,

iv) has a total research score of 120 as per the criteria. Or

B. A traditional or a professional artist, with highly-commendable professional achievement, in the subject concerned,

i) having Master’s degree, in the relevant subject

ii) has been ‘A’- grade artist of AIR/Doordarshan

iii) has ten years of outstanding performing achievements in the field of specialisation

iv) has made significant contributions in the field of specialisations and ability to guide research;

v) has participated in national/ international seminars/conferences/ workshops/ concerts and/ or recipient of national/international awards/ fellowships;

vi) has the ability to explain with logical reasoning the subject concerned, and vii) has adequate knowledge to teach theory with illustrations in the said discipline. (Kindly refer to General Note in the last section of this document)

Application Fees:-

Rs. 2000/- for UR/OBC/EWS category. No application fee will be charged from applicants from SC, ST, PwBD category and Women applicants.

General Instructions:-

1. All applicants are required to apply online in the prescribed format with complete, correct information and attachments. The applicant will be solely responsible for the authenticity of the submitted information. Applicants are required to fill the application form as available on the University website www.du.ac.in. The details regarding qualifications, experience, screening guidelines and indicative proformas etc. are available on the University website www.du.ac.in,along with this advertisement. The applicants are required to read these details before filling up the form.

2. Applicants should possess the prescribed qualifications and experience as on the closing date of application, as prescribed by the University from time to time for the respective posts. The posts advertised carry UGC pay scales plus admissible allowances. The posts are being advertised keeping in view the broad areas of specialization in subjects. However, the Department concerned may have specific requirement of specialization.

3. The applications received shall be screened as per screening guidelines attached with this advertisement for short listing and recommending the applicants to be called for interview.

4. Application fees and application form(s) are to be submitted as per details

5. In order to avoid last minute rush, the applicants are advised to apply early. In case of any persistent technical issue, the applicants can mail their problem at the email id registrar@du.ac.in or teaching_rec@admin.du.ac.in

6. The reservation for applicants from SC, ST, EWS, OBC (non-creamy layer), and Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) categories will be applicable as per UGC/Central Government norms.

7. Consequent upon adoption of self-certification provisions as required by the Govt. of India, the University shall process the applications entirely on the basis of information/documents uploaded with the application. In case the information/documents are found to be false/incorrect by way of omission or commission, the responsibility shall lie solely with the applicant and the applicant shall be liable for action as per law.

8. The screened candidates called for interview should report along with all the testimonials/certificates in original along with valid photo ID (Aadhaar/Voter Id/Driving License/Passport). A set of self-attested photocopy of certificates/testimonials with respect to the qualifications, experience and category as applicable, indicated in the online application form, duly certified by the applicant should be submitted at the time of interview.

9. Applicants serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings (including Boards/Autonomous Bodies) are required to submit ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer, at the time of interview, if not uploaded with the online application earlier. The NOC should also indicate the vigilance clearance from the parent department.

10. All correspondence from the University including interview letter, if any, shall be sent only to the e-mail address provided by the applicant in the online application form.

11. Applications which do not meet the eligibility criteria given in this advertisement and / or are incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected. Before applying online, applicants are advised to go through detailed notice available on the website of the University.

12. Applicants must NOT furnish any particulars that are false, tampered or fabricated, or suppress any material / information while submitting the online application and uploading self-certified copies/testimonials.

13. The University further reserves the right to amend the number of posts or not to fill any of the posts mentioned in the advertisement at its discretion without assigning any reason thereof.

14. Any consequential vacancies arising at the time of Interview may also be filled up from the available screened candidates.

15. The University will verify the antecedents of the applicant at the time of appointment or anytime during the tenure of the service. In case it is found that the documents/information submitted by the candidate is false or the candidate has suppressed relevant information, the services of the candidate shall be terminated without prejudice to any other action initiated by the University.

Selection Procedure:-

1. The Screening Committee will draw a list of all the candidates indicating the research score scored by them in descending order i.e. starting from the candidate getting the highest marks towards the candidates getting the lower marks.

2. For appointment to the post of Professor in the University Departments, there is a requirement of a total research score of One Twenty (120) as per criteria given in Section I of this document.

3. The time taken by candidates to acquire M.Phil. and / or Ph.D. Degree shall not be considered as teaching/ research experience to be claimed for appointment to the teaching positions. Further the period of active service spent on pursuing research degree simultaneously with teaching assignment without taking any kind of leave, shall be counted as teaching experience for the purpose of direct recruitment/ promotion.

4. In case of any dispute with regard to screening of the applications, the decision of the Screening Committee shall be final.

5. The status of short-listing will be made available on the dashboards of the respective applicants for information.

How to Apply:-

Since the last date of submission has been extended till March 31, 2022, applicants who have already submitted the application may like to update the same. They are herewith allowed to do so. The last date of submission / updation will remain March 31, 2022.

To Know More:- Click Here

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