Qualification Details:-

Subject: Recruitment for the Vacant posts of Assistant Professors at Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur.

1. Name of the Post: Assistant Professors

2. No of Post: 07

3. Academic Qualification:

i) Must possess MBBS degree or equivalent qualification included in any one of the schedules to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956. Must be registered in a State Medical Register or Indian Medical Register.

ii) Should have any one of the recognized postgraduate Qualification i.e., MD /MS/ DNB in the concerned subject or equivalent qualification included in any one of the schedules to Indian Medical Council Act 1956.

4. Teaching & Research Experience:

a) Three years Junior Resident in a recognized permitted medical college in the concerned subject

b) One year as Senior Resident in the concerned subject in a recognized permitted medical college. OR Should have got teaching experience as Assistant Professor in a concerned subject in permitted/approved/ recognized Medical College/ Institution Before the date of MCI order No.MCII2(2)/2018 Med. Misc/142810 dated : 31.10.2018.

Application Fees:-

DD for Rs. 2,000/- (non refundable) drawn in favour of “Director, Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences, Raichur, payable at Raichur. Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.

General Eligibility Conditions:-

A Should be a Citizen of India.

B. No man who has more than one wife living and no woman who has married a man already having another wife, shall be eligible for appointment.

C. Candidate should be physically & mentally fit to discharge the duties.


Office of the Director.. Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences. Hyderabad Road. Raichur – 584102.

Selection Procedure:-

I) Criteria followed while preparing the merit list for Assistant Professor to short listed for the interview.

1. Number of publications in National /Indexed Journal above the stipulated number specified for the post by the NMC -0.5 mark for each paper subject to a maximum of 2 marks.

2. Number of publications in International Journals-1 mark for each paper subject to a maximum of 2 marks.

3. WHO Fellowship in the same subject /University Gold Medal-I mark.

4. Higher experience than required for the post -0.5 mark for each year to maximum of 2 marks.

5. Presentation of paper/lectures in State/ National /International Conference 0.5 mark for each paper subject to a maximum of 2 marks.

6. Personality/ presentation in the interview-6marks

How to Apply:-

Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the post of Assistant Professors. The candidates are advised to fill the application in the prescribed form and submit on or before 09.03.2022, 5.00 p.m. To the Office of the Director.. Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences. Hyderabad Road. Raichur – 584102. The post and department for which the candidate is applying may be subscribed on the cover in Blocks Letters. Application received after specified date and time shall not be considered.

Officially Notification:- Click Here

Fill Application:- Click Here


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