Central University of Haryana announced job notification for the post of Professor has been released officially. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria alone can apply on the official website cuh.ac.in. The application process ends on 26.01.2022.
Qualification Details:
Applications received in response to the above advertisement have been scrutinized as per the UGC Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and other Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standards in Higher Education, 2018. The candidate may check the status of application and observation if any, by using the Samarth portal (cuhrec.samarth.edu.in) through their login ID and password issued earlier.
1. Subject: Scrutiny of applications and observations for the post of Professor in Department of Nutrition Biology (01 UR).
2. Post Name: Professor
3. No. of Post: 01
4. Reference: Advertisement No. CUH/O2/R/T 12021
Selection Procedure :
Interview for the said position of the eligible/ shortlisted candidates will be held shortly and intimation in this regard will be sent to the candidate through e-mail. The candidates are advised to keep checking the emails provided in applications, regularly.
How to Apply :
Representation(s) against observation(s), if any. can he send an e-mail id with evidence/documents substantiating claim at help@)cuh.ac.in latest by 26-01-2022, 05:00 pm, positively. Representation received after due date and time will be summarily rejected and no further correspondence will be done in this regard. Representations shall be received through email only and no other means of communication will be entertained.