IIT Indore invites applications from Indian Nationals and OCIs, who are well-qualified and strongly motivated for high quality teaching, research, and innovation. Following are the details of specializations & specific qualification requirements for different positions:

S. NoPost NameNo. of PostSalaryLast Date
1Professor101,59,100/- to 2,20,027/-PM15/04/2021
2Associate Professor71,39,600/- to 1,94,092/- PM15/04/2021
3Assistant Professor Gr-I &II870,900/- to 1,43,419/- PM15/04/2021

Minimum Qualifications and Experience Requirement.

The qualification and experience required for various positions are enumerated in the subsequent paragraph.

  • Professor:

 The minimum requirements for the position of Professor are as follows:

  • Educational Qualification: Ph.D. with First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in the mentioned area of specializations of the concerned Department/School with excellent academic records throughout and outstanding research output.
  •  Experience: Minimum ten years of post-PhD teaching and research or industrial experience or their combination, of which at least four-year experience should be at the level of Associate Professor in an IIT, IISc Bangalore, IISER, IIM, NITIE Mumbai or in any such Indian or foreign institutions of comparable or higher standards as ascertained by IIT Indore.
  •  Other Requirements: Applicant should have demonstrated leadership in research in her/his area of specialization in terms of supervision of PhD and PG students, sponsored research and consultancy projects. He/ She should have very good quality research output in terms of grant of patents, authored books and/or book chapters, publications in high impact factor journals, highly reputed conference proceedings. The applicant is expected to have experience of development of laboratories and course curricula, experience of organizing TEQIP/QIP courses, GIAN courses, participated in schemes such as SPARC, UAY, KIT, IMPRINT and similar academic and outreach activities. The applicant should have hosted/collaborated with other internationally acclaimed academicians and should have organized conferences in his/her area of specialization and having acquired status of an internationally recognized expert, as is expected from Professor in any leading institution.
  • Associate Professor:

The minimum requirements for the position of Associate Professor are as follows:

  • Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. with First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in the mentioned area of specializations of the concerned Department/School with excellent academic records throughout and outstanding research output.
  • Experience: Minimum six years of post-PhD teaching and research or industrial experience or their combination, of which at least three years experience should be at the level of Assistant Professor (Grade-I) / Senior Scientific Officer / Senior Design Engineer or equivalent.
  • Other requirements: The applicant should have demonstrated her/his research leadership and output through supervision of PhD and PG students, handling of sponsored research and consultancy projects, grant of patents or good quality publications in high impact factor journals and highly reputed conferences, should have authored book or book chapters. The applicant is expected to have experience of development of laboratories and course curricula, experience of organizing TEQIP/QIP courses, and other academic and outreach activities.
  • Assistant Professor Grade-I:

The minimum requirements for the position of Assistant Professor Grade-I are as follows:

  • Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. with First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in the mentioned area of specializations of the concerned Department/School with excellent academic records throughout and outstanding research output. An applicant for an engineering department should have done at least BE/ BTech/ BS (Engineering) / Integrated MTech in the relevant department and preferably ME/ MTech/ MS / MS(Research) in the relevant specialization of the concerned department.
  • Experience: Minimum three year of post-PhD teaching or research or industrial experience or their combination.
  • Assistant Professor Grade-II:

The minimum requirements for the position of Assistant Professor Grade-II are as follows:

  • Educational Qualifications: Ph.D. with First class or equivalent grade at the preceding degree in mentioned area of specializations of the concerned Department/School with excellent academic records throughout and outstanding research output. An applicant for an engineering department should have done at least BE/ BTech/ BS (Engineering) / Integrated MTech in the relevant department and preferably ME/ MTech/ MS / MS(Research) in the relevant specialization of the concerned department.
  • (ii) Age: Maximum 35 years as on the last date of submission of online application form.

Pay Structure:-

PositionPay LevelMin. Basic Pay/Month (₹)Total Emoluments including HRA* (₹)
Associate Professor13A21,39,600/-1,94,092/-
Assistant Professor Grade-I121,01,500/-1,43,419/-
Assistant Professor Grade-II1070,900/-1,02,721/-

*HRA would not be admissible if accommodation is provided within the campus

General Instructions:-

  • Applicants who have applied against 2019 advertisement or earlier ones, need to apply afresh. Those who have sent earlier their application/CV through email must apply against this advertisement.
    • Applications received from applying through the online application portal will only be considered.
    • If applying for more than one position, then separate application must be submitted for each position.
    • Educational qualifications, experience, other requirements, and age limit mentioned in this advertisement will be reckoned as on last date of online submission of the application form.
    • Mere fulfilling of the eligibility criteria for any post in any Department/School will not entitle any applicant for being called for interview.
    • The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any position in any of the above or any other specializations/Departments/School.
    • The Institute reserves its rights to set higher norms for short-listing for any position.
    • The received applications will be processed as per the Institute shortlisting criteria. Only the shortlisted applicant will be contacted through the email provided in her/his application form.
    • The applicants called for the interview in person will be required to carry all the original degrees and certificates, failure of which, would lead to disqualification of the candidature.
    • Applicants called for interview will be reimbursed to and fro airfare by economy class or II AC rail fare from the nearest city of their residence in India by the shortest route. The air travel should be done by Air India only and booking of tickets must be done directly from Air India website, IRCTC or authorized Travel Agents i.e. M/s Balmer Lawrie & Company Limited and M/s Ashok Travels & Tours (via website/ booking counters/office) as per the GOI instructions. Booking done from any other mode will not be admissible for the claim.
    • Applicants from abroad are interviewed through video conferencing and no reimbursement for travel for such applicants will be made. Applicants from abroad, but in India at time of Selection Committee meeting, must attend the interview in person, if called.
    • No interim correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from applicants regarding conduct and result of the selection process and reasons for not being called for interview or selection.
    • Applicants who are employed in Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous Body or Institution should send their applications through proper channel. They will be required to produce the No Objection Certificate from their employer at the time of interview.
    • Applicant is solely responsible for the correctness of the information provided in the application. If found later, that any information given in the application is incorrect/false, the candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated.
    • IIT Indore encourages participation of women in teaching and research. Hence, women applicants are encouraged to apply for these positions.
    • All reserved category applicants including Divyaang (Person with Disabilities), fulfilling the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply.


Maximum 35 years as on the last date of submission of online application form.

Application Fee:

Applicant must pay following non-refundable amount using net-banking and upload the UTR/Transaction/Payment reference in the field provided in the online application portal:

 SC/ST applicant, Faculty applicant from IIT Indore : No Fee

OBC-NC, PwD, EWS, and Female applicant : ₹500

Others :  ₹1,000

How to Apply:-

(a) The applicant must apply online by visiting the website or Click here to apply ONLINE.

(b) Certificates and relevant documents (including the list of all the publications in the required format) are to be uploaded in pdf file in the online application portal. Also, upload pdf files of up to maximum 10 best research papers.

(c) The applicant is required to send the hardcopy of duly signed printout of the online filled Application Form along with the required documents, duly selfattested, to the following address prescribing on the Envelope “Application for the position of Department of ”. The Faculty Affairs Office, 6 th Floor, Abhinandan Bhavan, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Simrol, Khandwa Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh – 453552

(d) Last date for filling the online application is at IST 2359 hours on 15 th April 2021 and submission of signed hardcopy of the same is 30th April 2021. The Institute shall not be responsible, under any circumstances, for any sort of postal delay.

(e) The applicant should retain a copy of the filled application form for future reference.

(f) The referees should be requested to send the reference letters by email at fac.recruit@iiti.ac.in or by post as mentioned above at Para(c).

Public Notification: – Click Here

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