RGPV announced job notification for the post of Principal has been released officially. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria alone can apply on the official website rgpv.ac.in. The application process ends on 31.12.2021.
Qualification Details:
Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal invites applications from the eligible candidates for the following positions in University Institute of Bhopal, Jhabua, Shahdol, Shivpuri & University Polytechnic, Bhopal.
1. Post Name: Principal
2. No of Post: 04
3. Qualifications, Experience and other condition for above posts shall be same as laid down in AICTE Gazette Notification March 1, 2019.
4. Salary & emoluments will be paid as per the M.P. Govt. order no. F-1-09/ 2019/ 42-1 dated 24.05.2021
1. Qualifications, Experience and other condition for above posts shall be same as laid down in AICTE Gazette Notification March 1, 2019. Salary & emoluments will be paid as per the M.P. Govt. order no. F-1-09/ 2019/ 42-1 dated 24.05.2021
2. The University reserves the right to call only short listed candidates for the interview.
3. Employed candidates are required to submit their application through proper channel, failing which their applications are liable to be rejected.
4. However, the advanced copy of application(s) will be considered.
5. The SC/ST candidates of Madhya Pradesh are exempted from paying the application fee of Rs. 1000/-.
6. These recruitments are meant strictly for the UITs/ University Polytechnic specified above and are non- transferable.
7. The University reserves the right to fill any or none of the above posts. This position shall be of contractual in nature for 5 years and can be extended for one more term depending upon the performance.
8. Those candidates who have applied earlier against the advertisement no. F-3/Admin/RGPV/2021/1350 dated 29.05.2019 are required to apply afresh application form along with the necessary enclosures without application fee.
Selection Procedure :
The University reserves the right to call only short listed candidates for the interview.
How to Apply :
1. Details of Qualifications, Experience and Pay scale are available on the website of the University www.rgpv.ac.in.
2. Desirous candidates may download the application form from the above website or may obtain it from the enquiry office of the University.
3. Duly filled application form along with the necessary enclosures and a Demand Draft of Rs. 1000.00 (Non-refundable) drawn in favour of Registrar, RGPV, Bhopal, payable at Bhopal should be submitted to this office on or before 31.12.2021.
4. The envelope containing application form must be superscribed “Application for the post “(Write Name of the Post & UIT/University Polytechnic).