Delhi University announced job notification for the post of Principal has been released officially. M.Phil/Ph.D pass Can apply for this job openings. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria alone can apply on the official website The application process ends on 25.12.2021.
Online applications are invited in the prescribed Application Form available at web link from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of Principal, in the Academic Pay Level-14 of 7b Central Pay Commission Pay Matrix, in the College.
Advt. No. BC/Principal/AdW2021/02
1. Name of the Post: Principal
2. Qualification & Experience:
(i) Ph.D Degree
(ii) Professor/Associate Professor with total service/experience of at least 15 years of Teaching/Research in Universities, Colleges and other Institutions of Higher Education.
(iii) A minimum of 10 Research publications in peer-reviewed or UGC-listed Journals.
(iv) A minimum of 110 Research Score.
Selection Procedure :
How to Apply :
The last date for receipt of application is 25.12.2021 or three weeks from the date of publication of the advertisement in Employment News, whichever is later.