MUHS announced job notification for the post of Associate Professor has been released officially. MS/MD pass Can apply for this job openings. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria alone can apply on the official website The application process ends on 01.10.2021.

Qualification Details:

Applications in prescribed form are invited for the following posts to be filled purely temporary contract basis from University Fund in the University Health Science Education Technology Department

1. Post Name: Associate Professor

2. Pay Scale: (1,31,400 – 2,17,100)

3. No. of Posts: 01 (Open)

4. Qualification:

i. Post Graduate in Medical Subject from College/ Institution recognized by Medical Council of India Should have undergone training in MCI revised Basic Course in MET & AETCOM and CISP at the allocated MCI Nodal / Regional Centre.

ii. She/He should have received any of the additional educational qualifications or training: eg. MCI Advance Course in Medical Education, M. Med, MHPE, Diploma in Medical Education, FAIMER or IFME Fellowship, within such prescribed period as decided by the MCI from time to time.

5. Experience: As Assistant Professor in the subject for four years in a permitted / approved / recognized Medical college / institutions with two research publications in Indexed / National Journal

6. Desirable: Candidate should have proficiency in Marathi, Hindi and English

7. ADVERTISEMENT No. 01/2021


Not more than 60 years

Documents Required:-

a) Date of Birth / Proof of Age (School Leaving Certificate / S.S.C. Certificate)

b) Educational qualification (s) documents

c) Experience Certificate, if applicable

d) Publications

e) Caste Certificate and Caste Validity Certificate

f) Proof of change in name, If applicable

g) Self-declaration for self-attestation

General conditions and important instructions for Candidates:-

1. All Posts are purely temporary and created for the specific period of five years under section 9(2)(e)(i) of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Act 1998 from the University Fund on contract basis.

2. Being temporary contractual posts, the person appointed on such posts shall not be entitled for retirement or any other benefits applicable to the permanent employees and also not entitled to claim any rights, interest, benefits or equity of the permanent service either in the University fund post or Government sanctioned post.

3. The candidates who have already applied through Advt. No. 04/2020 and declared eligible are need not to apply again. But, they have to submit written application through e-mail that, ready to continue with their application.

4. The selected candidates shall be initially given appointment on the post for the period of one year. However, extension can be given for next four year subject to satisfactory performance and as per requirement of University.

5. If the candidate appointed on temporary basis desire to resign, he/she must submit resignation with a notice of one month in advance. In case, if the candidate fails to give one-month advance notice, one-month salary shall be forfeited by the University or will have to deposit one-month salary.

6. The selected candidate shall be given salary as per prescribed pay scale.

7. The University will be at liberty to terminate the service without assigning any reason before completion of the appointment period and without giving prior notice in writing

8. The services shall be governed by the provision of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Act 1998 and the Statutes, Ordinance, Rules and Regulations of the University for the time being in force and as may be made from time to time, the relevant instruction from the Govt., if any, and decisions of the Management Council of the University.

9. Preference will be given to those candidates who shall have the knowledge of University work.

10. In-service candidates will be required to produce ‘No Objection Certificate’ of Dean / Principal / employer from their institute or should apply “through proper channel”.

12. Only one scan copy of application should be submitted for one post by one candidate. If applicant desires to apply for more than one post, separate scan copy of application should be submitted for each post.

13. Applications received by the University after last date of submission will be rejected. No correspondence will be entertained by the University in this regard.

14. Age and experience of applicants will be determined with reference to the last date of receipt of application notified by the University.

15. Incomplete applications, certificates not attached, etc. shall not be considered. No correspondence in this respect will be made. 16. Mere fulfilling of requirement as laid down in the advertisement does not qualify a candidate for interview / appointment.

17. The University reserves the right to fill or not to fill any of the post(s).

18. Waiting List of the candidates will be valid for the period of 06 months only from the date of issuance of appointment orders of the concerned posts.

19. Information of interview will be informed to eligible candidate on their E-mail / Mobile No.

20. Applicants who are not eligible will not be informed independently / individually.

21. On verification, if it is found that the information received from an applicant is faulty / misleading and / or is based on faulty / forged certificates shall be liable for legal action and the selection / appointment shall be immediately cancelled / discontinued.

22. The selected candidate should have to submit undertaking / deed of contract as required by the University.

23. Any sort of canvassing directly or indirectly will be treated as disqualification and the application of such candidate shall be rejected at any stage.

24. In case any issue in this respect arises, it shall be fully and finally decided by the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor.

25. The University reserves the right to cancel, amend or modify any clause of this advertisement.

How to Apply:-

Scan copy of application should be submitted in the prescribed format along with following document in readable format through e-mail ( ) on or before 01/10/2021.

To Know More:- Click Here

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