Qualification Details:-
Online Application Forms are invited for the posts sanctioned under State Plan/ICAR (75%: 25%) by Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur in University.
1. Post Name: Professor ( Agronomy, Genetics& Plant Breeding. Horticulture, Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry).
2. No. of Post: 06
1. Post Name: Associate Professor (Ag. Economics, Entomology. Genetics & Plant Breeding. Horticulture, Plant Pathology) Professor-12 (Ag. Agronomy.
2. No. of Post: 12
How to Apply:-
Kindly refer to the University website www.raubikaner.org for the detailed Advertisement with Online Application Form, Online Score Card, desired qualifications, general instructions with other terms & conditions. The last date for submission of Online Application Form &Score Card is 11th March, 2022 (12.00 midnight).