Qualification Details:-

Applications in prescribed format along with details of qualification, experience and contribution to profession/research are invited from Indian Nationals for the tenure based position of Principal, Institute for Management and Information Technology, Cuttack

1. Post Name: Principal

2. The post is on tenure basis for a period of 03 years (may be extended for another two years within maximum age limit of 60 years subject to satisfactory performance to be evaluated through a review committee).

3. Pay Scale :

Entry pay of Rs. 1,44,200 (Pay Level-14 as per ORSP(for Teachers of Engineering College / Degree level Technical Institutions / Universities) Rules 2019) with DA as admissible from time to time (relevant to pre-revised scale of Rs. 37,400-67,000 + AGP Rs.10,000 of Govt. of Odisha for the University).

4. Essential Qualification and Eligibility criteria requirements (within last date of application):

a. Must have Ph.D. degree in Computer Science & Engineering / Management I Computer Application. and Must have first Class degree either at UG or PG (Computer Science & Engineering/Management/Computer Application) level in the relevant branch and (60% marks or 6.75 CGPA in aggregate shall be considered equivalent to first class if first class or division is not awarded by the conceded institution or the equivalence CGPA as notified by the conceded institution) (a copy of the notification must attached for proof).

b. and Minimum 15 years of experience in Teaching (in AICTE recognized organization / institutions) I Research / Industry / Scientific Research organizations. and Out of above 15 years of experience in Teaching/Research/lndustry, at least 03 (Three) years must be at the post equivalent to that of Professor in UGC/AICTE recognized institution.

c. and Must have minimum 08 Research publications in SCI/Scopus indexed/ IJGC/AICTE/ABDC approved list of reviewed Jouals. and Must have successfully guided and produced two successful Ph.D, as Supervisor / Co-Supervisor.

Age Limit:-

Should be of 57 years of age or below on the last date of application i.e. 11/04/2022.

Application Fees:-

A candidate is required to pay a non-refundable and non-adjustable fee of Rs.1000/- (Rs.500/- for ST/SC category) through SB Collect

General Information:-

1. Separate applications in separate envelope must be submitted, if a candidate is applying for more than one post.

2. Mere fulfillment of qualifications, eligibility and experience requirements etc. does not entitle a candidate to be called for an interview.

3. The University reserves the right to fill-up or not to fill-up the post advertised or even to cancel the entire selection process without assigning any reason thereof.

4. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from the candidates regarding postal delays, conduct and result of interview and reasons for not being called for interview or selection.

5. Persons employed in Government, Semi-Government, Private or Autonomous organizations need to apply through proper channel or they shall be required to submit the No Objection Certificate from the Employer at the time of interview.

6. The application shall be accepted by Speed Post only

7. No hand or courier delivery or any other mode is ac page of the application and all annexure(s) (certificates, mark sheets, publication, experience certificates etc.) must bear the full signature of the candidate at the bottom of the page and is mandatory.

8. Two recent passport size color photographs are required to be attached with the application form one of which should be affixed on the application form.

9. The short listed candidates are required to attend the selection process at their own expenses.

10. No TA / DA are admissible.

11. The candidates are required to produce their original certificates, testimonials & other relevant documents for verification at the time of interview.

12. Application(s) received after the last date shall not be entertained and University will not be responsible for any postal delay.


Registrar, BPUT, Chhend, Rourkela -769015

How to Apply:-

1. The applications will be accepted only by Speed Post; No Hand Delivery is acceptable. In-service candidate(s) need to forward his/ her application through the employer or need to submit a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the employer at the time of interview

2. The sealed envelope containing the application form and other documents should be super-scribed as “Application for the post of Principal. IMIT. Cuttack” and reach to the Registrar, BPUT, Chhend, Rourkela -769015 on or before 11/04/2022

3. Minimum eligibility does not ensure that a candidate will be called for interview and/or selected; the decision of the authorities is final. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained.

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