Sambalpur University announced job notification for the post of Assistant Professor has been released officially. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria attend the walk in interview on 18.01.2022.
Qualification Details:
A Walk-in-Interview will be conducted for the temporary engagement of one Associate Professor and one Assistant Professor each in Commerce and Education on a contractual basis for 11 months for the Centre for Distance and online Education of Sambalpur University.
1. Post Name: Assistant Professor
2. No. of Post: 01
How to Apply :
No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview. Interested candidates may visit the website: for details of the post, remuneration, terms and conditions including educational| qualifications etc. and send their CV to the official e-mail id:
2. The date of walk-in interview for Dt.18.01.2022 and for Education is on dt. 19.01.2022. The candidates are required to report at 10.30 A.M. on the date of interview with their original certificates, mark sheets, publications and other details in the Conference Hal (New Building) of Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Sambalpur.