Faculty recruitment 2023 Job vacancy notification announced by SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai – Assistant Professor jobs. Eligible candidates may attend the Walk-in.

Organization Profile: SNDT Women’s University is committed to the cause of women’s empowerment through access to education, particularly higher education, through relevant courses in the formal and non-formal streams. Further, the university is committed to providing a wide range of professional and vocational courses for women to meet the changing socio-economic needs, with human values and purposeful social responsibility, and to achieve excellence with “Quality in every Activity.

Job Title: Assistant Professor

Employment Type: Temporary


  • Psychology

Qualification: As per norms Click Here

Candidate Profile:

  • Applicants with teaching experience at the PG level will be preferred. (NET/SET/PhD is required)
  • M.A. Psychology with a minimum 55% with NET/SET or Ph. D. Degree (in concerned/relevant subject)
  • The candidate should work with a lot of dedication and discipline

Job Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra

Pay Scale: Appointment of Assistant Professor(s) is purely on a temporary basis/CHB and strictly only for the academic year 2023-2024 on the remuneration of Rs. 25000/- per month or Rs. 500/- per hour.

Apply Mode: Walk-in

Walk-in Date: 15th June 2023

College Website URLClick Here

How to Apply: Applicants are requested to apply on plain paper addressing the Head, Department of Psychology, along with testimonials and be present for the WALK-IN INTERVIEW at, the Department of Psychology, 5th floor, Annex Building, SNDT Women’s University, 1, N.T. Road, New Marine Lines, Mumbai along with original documents on 15th June 2023 at 2 pm.

S.N.D.T. Women’s University
M.V.A. Department of Drawing and Painting
Girgaon, Mumbai-400004

Reference(Read Carefully): Clickhere

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