K Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli announced Ph.D., Full Time Research Scholar Fellowship for the session July 2022. Eligible and interested candidates may apply through Email.
Post Date: 08th March 2022
Hiring Organization: K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology (Autonomous)
Organization Profile: K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, situated in the famous temple town Samayapuram, is a premiere organization striving to bring in constructive transformation in young aspirants by imparting technical, behavioral and value based education where we focus on empowering the students to get placed in World Class Corporate and introducing rich corporate culture to meet the hurdles and challenges of corporate sector and also augment the knowledge of students, foster their talents and broaden their outlook towards life by enhancing their personality, communication and bringing in entrepreneurial skills. We believe in educating, enhancing and empowering the student community to face the challenges of tomorrow and to be the front-runners in job market.
Job Title/Designation: Full Time Ph.D., Research Scholar
Research Areas:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Mining
- Advanced energy storage materials
- Image Processing
- Intelligent Control
- Machine Learning
- Nanotechnology
- Optimization techniques
- Additive manufacturing & machine learning
- Renewable Energy System
- RF and MEMS
- VLSI Design
- Wireless Networks
Qualification: As per Anna University, Chennai Norms
Note: Faculty members working in Anna University, Chennai affiliated colleges may apply for their Ph.D., under Part Time Mode. However, preference will be given for Full Time candidates.
Candidate Profile:
- The candidate should have research attitude in the above area
- Preference will be given for the candidate with prior publications in reputed journals
Job Location: Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), Tamilnadu
Pay Scale: As per College Norms
Application Mode: Email
Organization website: Click here
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidates are requested to send their application with scanned copy of all necessary certificates and passport size photograph to the following Email Address within 20th MARCH 2022
Email Address to Apply: research@krct.ac.in
Contact Address:
K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology (Autonomous),
Tiruchirappalli – 621112,