Qualification Details:-
Walk-in interview for one Adhoc teacher in the Department of Geology at Ram Lal Anand College will be held as per the details and schedule given below:
1. Department: Geology
2. Post Name: Adhoc Teacher
3. No. of Post: 01
4. Candidate whose name is not enrolled in the recent Ad-hoc panel lists issued by the Department of Geology, University of Delhi, will not be considered for interview.
1. The college will draw a panel of candidates in order of merit to fill the Ad-hoc vacancies.
2. All candidates are required to carry their C.V., duly signed by them and report in the college before half an hour on the above mentioned date and time.
3. After that no candidate will be entertained.
4. No T.A./D.A. will be paid for attending the interview College reserves the right to change or not fill the above notified post. Number of vacancy can change as per the requirement.
How to Apply:-
1. Date of Interview 22.02.2022 (Tuesday) Time 11:30 am
2. All candidates are required to carry their C.V., duly signed by them and report in the college before half an hour on the above mentioned date and time. After that no candidate will be entertained