Sainik School Chittorgarh, Rajasthan TGT and other Recruitment 2021

Sainik School Chittorgarh, Rajasthan Recruitment to Various Posts 

Sainik School Chittorgarh, Rajasthan is a CBSE-affiliated residential English medium School functioning under the aegis of Sainik Schools Society, Ministry of Defence, Govt of India, New Delhi. The Sainik School Chittorgarh is conducting a recruitment drive for multiple positions such as TGT and other posts.

The School invites applications for the following posts :-


Ser Name of the No. of Age limit Qualifications Pay Scale/ Pay
post Vacancies Band



(a) TGT 01(One) Between (i) Graduate with Geography ₹ 44,900/- per
(Social Science) Regular 21-35 years and any one subject Political month, in pay
UNRESERVED as on Science/ Economics/ matrix level 7
01 Nov 21
Sociology/ History with at
least 50% marks in
aggregate and B.Ed with
Social Science from a
recognised university.
(ii) Qualified in CTET
(iii)   Medium of instruction –
Desirable. Minimum Five (5)
Years Teaching Experience
in Residential English
Medium Public School
Proficiency in English
(Verbal & Written)
(b) TGT 01(One) Between (i) Graduate with ₹ 44,900/- per
(Mathematics) Regular 21-35 years Mathematics with at month, in pay
UNRESERVED as on least 50% marks in matrix level 7
01 Nov 21
aggregate and B.Ed with
Mathematics from a
recognized university.
(ii) Qualified in CTET
(iii)   Medium of instruction –
Desirable. Minimum Five (5)
Years Teaching Experience
in Residential English
Medium Public School.
Proficiency in English
(Verbal & Written).




Ser Name of the No. of Age limit Qualifications Pay Scale/ Pay
post Vacancies Band
(c) General 03(Three) Between Essential. Matriculation ₹ 18,000/- per
Employees Regular 18-50 years Pass or equivalent month, in pay
(Regular) as on 01 examination from a matrix level 1
UNRESERVED Nov 21 recognized board of
Education of State/Central
Desirable. Minimum Five(5)
years Experience in
Residential Public
School/Army Establishment
will be preferred.
Proficiency in Housekeeping
(Safaiwala), Electric,
Masonry, Welding,
carpentry, Gardening and
Plumbing Work of all types
will be preferred.


(d) General 14(Fourteen) Between Essential. Matriculation On
Employees Contractual 18-50 years Pass or equivalent Consolidated
(Contractual) ST-01 as on 01 examination from a Monthly
RESERVED SC-02 Nov 21 recognized board of remuneration for
OBC-03 Education of State/Central ₹ 12,000/-
UR-08 Government
Desirable. Five(5) years
Experience in Residential
Public School/Sainik
School/Army Establishment
will be preferred.
Proficiency in Housekeeping
(Safaiwala), Electric,
Welding, Carpentry, Wood
Work, Masonry, Gardening
and Plumbing Work of all
types will be preferred.
(e) PEM/PTI-Cum- 01(One) Between Essential. Matriculation On
Matron 21-35 years Pass or equivalent Consolidated
(Female) as on examination and should be monthly
(Contractual) 01 Nov 21 able to converse in English remuneration for
UNRESERVED and Hindi fluently. ₹ 15,000/-
Candidates with experience
as Hostel Warden and
proficiency in sports will be
(i)  Bachelor of Physical
Education (B.P.Ed) – Four
years Degree Course
Three years graduation +
One year B.P.Ed Diploma
B.Sc Physical Education,
Health Education and Sports
+ One year B.P.Ed Diploma
(ii) Matron work experience in
residential schools



  1. Terms and Conditions of Service for Ser No 3(a), (b) and (c):-



  • This is not a State Govt or Central Govt Department/ Institute. Services will be


governed by Sainik Schools Society Rules and Regulations 1997, amended and revised from time to time. Selected candidate will be on PROBATION for a period of one year, which is


extendable to two years (Not for contractual posts mentioned at para 3(d) to (e)). Further,


during the probation/contractual period, services are liable to be terminated by the Appointing Authority on account of the following: –


  • Under own powers, after giving ONE month notice in writing and without assigning any reason thereof.



  • Dismissal on proven grounds of misconduct without notice or compensation, which is considered so grave so as to render his/her continuance in service seriously detrimental to the interests of the School.




  • On medical grounds, by giving THREE months’ notice or THREE months’ pay in lieu, if his/her retention in service is considered undesirable and prejudicial to the healthy environment of the School (Not for contractual posts mentioned at para 3(d) & (e)).



  • Adverse remarks by the police in their verification report sought by this School.




  • Non Verification/ Contradiction of Documents submitted by issuing Authorities.


  • On successful completion of probation period, the individual may be considered for confirmation from the date of initial appointment to the said post (Not for contractual posts Mentioned at para 3(d) to (e)).


  • If the individual is found absent from duty for two consecutive days or more days without obtaining prior permission from Principal, Sainik School Chittorgarh (hereinafter referred to as the Principal) in writing or if the individual proceeds on leave and over -stays beyond the sanctioned leave for more than two consecutive days without first getting it sanctioned from the competent authority, then individual’s services shall be liable to be terminated without any further reference/ notice.


  • Individual will be treated as vacational staff (for the posts mentioned at para 3(a) & (b) and non-vacational staff (for the post mentioned at para 3(c)) with retirement age as 60 years


as per prevailing rules & regulations. However, directions of Sainik Schools Society in this regard will be followed (Not for contractual posts mentioned at para 3(d) & (e)).


  • Individual’s appointment is further subject to the following :-


  • Submission of a declaration in the prescribed form, giving his/her personal details.


  • Submission of declaration that individual is not involved in any criminal proceedings.


  • Furnishing two certificates of good character from two distinguished persons who could be Members of Parliament, Members of Legislative Assembly or any Gazetted Officer, not related to the individual.


  • The individual will inform in writing in whether he/she has not applied/ registered for a job or executed any bond of employment in any organisation elsewhere. If so, the individual will have to furnish an undertaking that the individual shall withdraw all such applications immediately on reporting for duty and copies of such applications shall be submitted to the School for records within a week.


  • Discharge certificate from previous employer, if applicable.


  • If, at any stage the information regarding educational qualifications or any information or declaration relevant to the appointment is found to be false or qualification acquired by the individual is not from an institution recognised by Govt Education Department/ Affiliating Board,


UGC/ AIU, the individual’s service shall be terminated without notice or assigning any reasons thereof.


  • During the tenure of service, the individual will be subject to transfer(s) any time to any of the Sainik Schools under Sainik Schools Society, New Delhi within the country (Not for contractual posts mentioned at para 3(d) to (e)).


  • Individual will be provided rent-free accommodation if available within the campus and it is mandatory to stay inside the School campus in the accommodation allotted.


  • Besides, the primary duties, the individual may also be required to perform any other duties solely at the discretion of the Principal.


  • The individual will not accept or demand any subscription / donation / contribution from any one either for him/ herself or for any association of teachers / staff or students.


  • The individual will not prepare or publish any book or books or assist anybody else, directly, or indirectly in such a publication unless so expressly permitted. The individual will not canvass for any publication or any publishing House or Bookseller.


  • The individual will not enter into any monetary transactions with any student or his parents/ guardians and shall not misuse his/her position for his/her personal gains and shall not conduct him/ herself in such a manner that he/she has to incur a debt beyond his/her means.


  • That the individual shall not accept, permit any member of his/her family or any other person acting on his/her behalf to accept any gift including free transport, boarding, lodging or any other service or any pecuniary advantage from student, parent / guardian or any other person, who may come into his/her contact in the capacity or the individual’s capacity in the school.


  • The individual will conform to all rules and regulations in force from time to time in the School and shall abide by all other lawful orders/ instructions/ directions of the Principal conveyed verbally or in writing by him.


  • The individual shall not propagate through teaching lesson or otherwise, communal or sectarian outlook or incite or discriminate any student or employee on the grounds of caste, creed, language, place or origin, social and welfare background.


  • The individual shall not practice or incite any student or employee to practice, casteism, communalism, untouchability; or cause / incite any other person to cause any damage to the property of the School either movable or immovable, the individual will not behave or encourage or incite any student, teachers or any other member of the staff to behave in a disorderly manner in the premises of the School or outside in connection with any matter connected with the School. The individual will not organise or attend any meeting during working hours except when he/she is required or permitted by the School to do so.


  • The individual will not be a member of any Union, Political Party, NGO, religion or any special interest groups and refrain him/herself from all the activities which are not permitted as per the code of conduct of this School.


  • The individual will not indulge or encourage any form of malpractice connected with the examination either in this or in any other School.


  • In case of any change in the address during the course of employment in the School, it shall be the individual’s duty to intimate such change in writing to the Principal within one week from the date of such change. The individual will intimate his/her address during vacation before the commencement of the leave. Please intimate e-mail ID, mobile number and landline number, if held, on reporting to the school.


  • The individual will be responsible for the safe custody of the attendance registers, books. Property of the School and any other articles entrusted to him/her and in case of any damage, or loss, the Principal will have the right to make good the same from his/her salary/ emoluments besides taking disciplinary action as deemed fit or proper.


  • Any other terms and conditions of the service as laid down in Sainik Schools Society, Rules & Regulations, 1997, as amended and revised from time to time, shall be binding on the individual. The individual is required to acquaint him/herself with the governing Rules & Conduct Rules as applicable to Sainik School employees and as given in Sainik Schools Society, Rules & Regulations, 1997 as amended and revised from time to time, and shall strictly abide by the same.


  • In case of any arbitration if deemed necessary by the individual, court of arbitration would be District and Sessions Court at Chittorgarh.


  • In the event of not joining the duties by stipulated date this appointment would stand cancelled without further reference to individual (selected candidate).


  • Please produce the certificate/ degrees/ testimonials in original along with two photo copies for verification on the date of recruitment at this institution.


  1. Other Terms and Conditions of Service for the CONTRACTUAL posts mentioned at Ser No 3(d) to (e) :-


  • The appointment will be on purely contractual basis for the period of one year. The services of the individual can be dispensed at any point of time without assigning any reasons. No extension of services will be entertained including medical or compassionate grounds etc.


  • Individual may be assigned other secondary duties besides primary duties of the individual solely at the discretion of the Principal/Vice Principal/Administrative Officer for which no extra remuneration or allowance or rest will be granted.


  • If any declaration given or information furnished by individual proves to be wrong or is found to have been suppressed, the individual’s candidature will be cancelled at any stage of recruitment and even after joining services will be liable for termination without assigning any reason or serving any notice period or pay or any such other action as the School may deem necessary will be initiated.


  • Apart from consolidated pay, no other allowances or pay will be paid.


  • Individual may be required to work other than working hours and no extra pay/ allowances will be paid for the same.


  • Individual will not be entitled for any travelling allowance or medical allowance.


  • Based on the availability, accommodation may be provided to the individual. Individual will have no right to reject the allotted accommodation. If accommodation provided by the school, then individual will have to stay in the same without any excuse (even on medical/compassionate grounds).


  • The individual during service will not be entitled for payment of remuneration for vacation period.


  • In case of any arbitration if deemed necessary by the individual, court of arbitration would be District and Sessions Court of Chittorgarh.


  1. Procedure to apply for the post.


  • Format of Application Form is placed at Enclosure. The candidate is required to print the form on A – 4 size paper (both side).


  • Fill all the  details  as  per original documents  with “Blue  Pen” in BLOCK  CAPITAL



  • Affix good quality recent (not older than 3 months) passport size photograph (in white shirt/top with Blue Background) in the box marked for the photograph.


  • Following documents (in clear and good legible resolution) are required to be enclosed with the duly filled application form :-


  • Photocopy (self attested) of Birth Certificate.


  • Photocopy (self attested) of Aadhaar Card.


  • Photocopy (self attested) of Discharge Book (if Ex Serviceman).


  • Photocopy (self attested) of Caste Certificate (if SC/ST/OBC candidate).


  • Photocopy (self attested) of Marriage Certificate (if applicable).


  • Photocopy (self attested) of Class X Mark Sheet.


  • Photocopy (self attested) of all educational documents mentioned in application



  • Photocopy (self attested) of Experience Certificates mentioned in application form.


  • Photocopy (self attested) of certificates of courses completed mentioned in the application form.


  • Photocopy (self attested) of details mentioned in application form (Proficiency in Games/Co-Curricular activities).


  • Photocopy (self attested) of details mentioned in application form (Service Training attended, if any).


  • Photocopy (self attested) of NCC Certificate A/B/C (if any) mentioned in application form.





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