ESIC Medical College and Hospital, Alwar announced job notification for the post of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor has been released officially. MBBS, DNB, MS/MD pass Can apply for this job openings. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria alone can apply on the official website The application process ends on 20.06.2021.
Name Of Post | No. Of Posts | Salary | Age Limit | Last Date |
Assistant Professor | 10 | As per NMC / MCI guidelines | 67 Years | 20/06/2021 |
Associate Professor | 16 | As per NMC / MCI guidelines | 67 Years | 20/06/2021 |
Professor | 7 | As per NMC / MCI guidelines | 67 Years | 20/06/2021 |
ESIC Medical College & Hospital, Alwar, Rajasthan proposes to fill up the posts of medical teaching faculty – Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Super Specialists, Adjunct Faculty & Senior Residents in the disciplines mentioned below on contractual basis through walk-in interview. The details of vacancies and reservation positions as under:-
Advertisement No: 03/2021
Name of the Post: Assistant Professor
No of Post: 10
Educational Qualifications:
- a) Faculty: As per NMC / MCI guidelines
- b) Super Specialty Specialist:
- i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in first schedule or second Schedule or Part II of the third Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of Educational qualification included in Part II of the third schedule should also fulfill Subsection (3) of Section 13 of Indian Medical council, 1956 (102 of 1956)
- ii) Post Graduate Degree/ Experience in concerned super specialty.
- c) Super Specialty Specialist (Full Time/Part time) (Senior Scale):
- i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in first schedule or second Schedule or Part II of the third Indian Medical council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of Educational qualification included in Part II of the third schedule should also fulfill Subsection (3) of Section 13 of Indian Medical Council, 1956 (102 of 1956)
- ii) Post Graduate Degree in concerned super speciality.
iii) Five years experience in concerned super speciality after obtaining First Post graduate degree.
- d) Adjunct Faculty: MBBS with PG (MD/DNB) in concerned speciality from recognized University with Eight years of work experience in the concerned speciality after obtaining the PG Degree.
Pay & Allowances: –
- a) Teaching Faculty: SRESTA scale for retired Army medical teachers – Consolidated remuneration of Professor (upto Rs. 2.2 lakh), Associate Professor (upto Rs. 1.88 lakh), Assistant Professor (upto Rs. 1.42 lakh) will be paid based on experience. Consolidated remuneration (other than retired Army medical teachers) of Professor (Rs. 177000/-), Associate Professor (Rs. 116000/-), Assistant Professor (Rs. 101000/-) will be paid.
- b) Super Specialist Full Time: Entry level – 200000/-, Consultant Senior level – Rs. 240000/-
- c) Super Specialist Part Time [4 hours 4 days a week):
- i) Entry level – 100000/- Consultant Senior level – Rs. 150000/-
- ii) Rs. 20000/- per month for visiting charges in case of emergency call after schedule duty timings subject to requirement of the emergency call.
iii) Rs. 1500 for every additional remuneration beyond 16 hour/Week*
- iv) No other allowances will be paid in addition to the consolidated Remuneration.
- d) Adjunct Faculty: Director Professor/ Professor – Rs 6000/- per day Additional/ Associate Professor – Rs 4000/- per day
- i) Each Adjunct faculty will be required to conduct minimum 03 sessions of 3 hours duration a month.
- ii) The Visiting Faculty shall not be involved in the routine administrative work of the department and shall not replace the roles and responsibilities of the full-time faculty in the department.
Name of the Post: Associate Professor
No of Post: 16
Educational Qualifications:
- a) Faculty: As per NMC / MCI guidelines
- b) Super Specialty Specialist:
- i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in first schedule or second Schedule or Part II of the third Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of Educational qualification included in Part II of the third schedule should also fulfill Subsection (3) of Section 13 of Indian Medical council, 1956 (102 of 1956)
- ii) Post Graduate Degree/ Experience in concerned super specialty.
- c) Super Speciality Specialist (Full Time/Part time) (Senior Scale):
- i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in first schedule or second Schedule or Part II of the third Indian Medical council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of Educational qualification included in Part II of the third schedule should also fulfill Subsection (3) of Section 13 of Indian Medical Council, 1956 (102 of 1956)
- ii) Post Graduate Degree in concerned super speciality.
iii) Five years experience in concerned super speciality after obtaining First Post graduate degree.
- d) Adjunct Faculty: MBBS with PG (MD/DNB) in concerned speciality from recognized University with Eight years of work experience in the concerned speciality after obtaining the PG Degree.
Pay & Allowances: –
- a) Teaching Faculty: SRESTA scale for retired Army medical teachers – Consolidated remuneration of Professor (upto Rs. 2.2 lakh), Associate Professor (upto Rs. 1.88 lakh), Assistant Professor (upto Rs. 1.42 lakh) will be paid based on experience. Consolidated remuneration (other than retired Army medical teachers) of Professor (Rs. 177000/-), Associate Professor (Rs. 116000/-), Assistant Professor (Rs. 101000/-) will be paid.
- b) Super Specialist Full Time: Entry level – 200000/-, Consultant Senior level – Rs. 240000/-
- c) Super Specialist Part Time [4 hours 4 days a week):
- i) Entry level – 100000/- Consultant Senior level – Rs. 150000/-
- ii) Rs. 20000/- per month for visiting charges in case of emergency call after schedule duty timings subject to requirement of the emergency call.
iii) Rs. 1500 for every additional remuneration beyond 16 hour/Week*
- iv) No other allowances will be paid in addition to the consolidated Remuneration.
- d) Adjunct Faculty: Director Professor/ Professor – Rs 6000/- per day Additional/ Associate Professor – Rs 4000/- per day
- i) Each Adjunct faculty will be required to conduct minimum 03 sessions of 3 hours duration a month.
- ii) The Visiting Faculty shall not be involved in the routine administrative work of the department and shall not replace the roles and responsibilities of the full-time faculty in the department.
Age Limit: (as on date of walk-in-interview) – 67 Years.
Name of the Post: Professor
No of Post: 07
Educational Qualifications:
- a) Faculty: As per NMC / MCI guidelines
- b) Super Specialty Specialist:
- i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in first schedule or second Schedule or Part II of the third Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of Educational qualification included in Part II of the third schedule should also fulfill Subsection (3) of Section 13 of Indian Medical council, 1956 (102 of 1956)
- ii) Post Graduate Degree/ Experience in concerned super specialty.
- c) Super Specialty Specialist (Full Time/Part time) (Senior Scale):
- i) A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in first schedule or second Schedule or Part II of the third Indian Medical council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of Educational qualification included in Part II of the third schedule should also fulfill Subsection (3) of Section 13 of Indian Medical Council, 1956 (102 of 1956)
- ii) Post Graduate Degree in concerned super specialty.
iii) Five years experience in concerned super specialty after obtaining First Post graduate degree.
- d) Adjunct Faculty: MBBS with PG (MD/DNB) in concerned specialty from recognized University with Eight years of work experience in the concerned specialty after obtaining the PG Degree.
Pay & Allowances: –
- a) Teaching Faculty: SRESTA scale for retired Army medical teachers – Consolidated remuneration of Professor (upto Rs. 2.2 lakh), Associate Professor (up to Rs. 1.88 lakh), Assistant Professor (up to Rs. 1.42 lakh) will be paid based on experience. Consolidated remuneration (other than retired Army medical teachers) of Professor (Rs. 177000/-), Associate Professor (Rs. 116000/-), Assistant Professor (Rs. 101000/-) will be paid.
- b) Super Specialist Full Time: Entry level – 200000/-, Consultant Senior level – Rs. 240000/-
- c) Super Specialist Part Time [4 hours 4 days a week):
- i) Entry level – 100000/- Consultant Senior level – Rs. 150000/-
- ii) Rs. 20000/- per month for visiting charges in case of emergency call after schedule duty timings subject to requirement of the emergency call.
iii) Rs. 1500 for every additional remuneration beyond 16 hour/Week*
- iv) No other allowances will be paid in addition to the consolidated Remuneration.
- d) Adjunct Faculty: Director Professor/ Professor – Rs 6000/- per day Additional/ Associate Professor – Rs 4000/- per day
- i) Each Adjunct faculty will be required to conduct minimum 03 sessions of 3 hours duration a month.
- ii) The Visiting Faculty shall not be involved in the routine administrative work of the department and shall not replace the roles and responsibilities of the full-time faculty in the department.
Terms of Contract:-
- a) The engagement of contractual faculty on consolidated remuneration will be for a period of three years at the outset with provisions of further extension for a period of two years. The incumbent would serve the initial first year of contract, independent of regular faculty joining during this period. However, the contract would be terminable on one-month notice, on joining of regular faculty in the subsequent years of contract or attaining the age of 70 years whichever is earlier. However, barring misconduct / irregularity, the continuation of the incumbent would be based on satisfactory annual appraisal.
- b) The tenure in respect of Senior Residents will be initially for 01 (One) year extendable every year up to three years on satisfactory performance and conduct.
- c) The contractual engagement may be terminated/ discontinued on either side giving one month prior notice to this effect without assigning reason.
- d) Other terms and condition will be applicable as issued by competent authority from time to time.
Age Limit: (as on date of walk-in-interview) – 67 Years
Application Fee:-
SC/ ST/ ESIC (Regular employees)/ Female Candidates, Ex-servicemen & PH candidates: NIL, All other categories: 225/-
General Information:-
- Detailed advertisement & application form can be downloaded from website
- Selection to these posts is purely contractual, and terminable on either side with a notice of one month. Selection to these posts does not confer the right of confirmation or continuation, as these posts are to be filled by selection & appointment of the regular candidates.
- Candidates holding qualification & post of Professor or retd. as Professor may be Selected as Professor against the post of Associate Professor in case no candidate is available for the post of Associate Professor and they will be paid consolidated salary of professor.
- In case of non- availability of suitable category candidates, the seats may be filled up for less than 45 Days by general category candidates.
- Experience will be counted as per the requirement of the post, till the date of walk-in interview.
- Reservation will be as per Government of India guidelines issued from time to time.
- As per EWS guidelines posts are not carried forward / or considered as backlog vacancy in case unfilled, UR category candidate may be allowed to apply for EWS vacancy.
- Seats may increase or decrease at the time of interview.
Terms and Conditions:-
- Mere submission of application does not confer any right to the candidate to be eligible for interview unless they report on the scheduled date and time.
- Application should be submitted for each post separately and in the prescribed format only. The applications submitted in any other format OR incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.
- The candidates may ascertain their eligibility and report for interview on the scheduled date and time for interview.
- The verification of documents will be done upto 10.30 AM with original certificates.
- No TA/DA will be paid to candidates for appearing in the walk-in-interview.
- ESIC reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process at any stage at its discretion and such decision will be binding on all concerned.
- Wrong declarations/submission of false information or any other action contrary to law shall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage.
- Opportunity of interview given to candidates will be on provisional basis subject to detailed scrutiny of eligibility conditions.
- The candidates must be registered with MCI/State Medical Council before joining the post, if selected.
- The interviews shall be conducted at ESIC Model Hospital, Laxmi Nagar, Ajmer Road, Sodala, Jaipur, Rajasthan – 302006. However, ESIC reserves the right to change the centre, if needed.
ESIC Model Hospital, Laxmi Nagar, Ajmer Road, Sodala, Jaipur, Rajasthan – 302006
Selection Procedure:-
Mode of Interview:-Online/ Offline
- Selection will be made on the basis of performance of candidate in interview before Selection Board.
- Result will be communicated through e-mail and will be displayed on website.
- Selected candidates will have to join immediately after receipt of offer of appointment.
How to Apply:-
- Filled-in application forms (with mentioning desired mode of interview i.e. ONLINE / OFFLINE on the application form) must be sent on or before 20.06.2021 (4pm) to
- Posts remained vacant after the last date of joining shall be displayed on ESIC website by 29.06.2021 and another ONLINE interview will be conducted for these posts subsequently.
- Interested candidates should report for document verification on 21.06.2021 & 22.06.2021 from 09.00 AM onwards in ESIC Model Hospital, Laxmi Nagar, Ajmer Road, Sodala, Jaipur, Rajasthan – 302006, followed by interviews on the same day from 11.00 AM onwards as per below schedule.
- Dates of Interview: 21.06.2021 & 22.06.2021
- Venue For Interview: ESIC Model Hospital, Laxmi Nagar, Ajmer Road, Sodala, Jaipur, Rajasthan – 302006
Public Notification: – Download