Mohamrnadia Tibbia College and Assayer Hospital announced job notification for the post of Assistant Professor has been released officially. MS/MD pass Can apply for this job openings. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria alone can apply on the official website The application process ends on 21.06.2021.
Applications are invited for filling up the following posts in above said college.
- Name of the Post: Assistant Professor
- No of Post: 03
- Department: Jarahat, Amraze Niswan wa Qabalat, Moalejat
- Essential Qualifications: Possess qualification mentioned in Part D in the schedule appended to the Maharashtra Medical Practitioner’s act 1961/Mah.XXVlII of 1961) or an equivalent qualification specified by Central Council Of Indian Medicine New Delhi from time to time under the CCW Act 1970 (48 of 1970) & possess post graduate degree in concerned subject of Unani obtained from recognized institution.
- Experience: No Teaching experience is required.
- a) Possess adequate knowledge of English, Marathi, Hindi and Urdu Language
- b) A person selected to the post shall be required to get himself registered under the Maharashtra Medical Practitioner’s act 1961 (Mah XXVIII of 1961 or Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (48 of 1970) before joining the appointment unless he has already registered himself.
Age:-40 years
Associate Professor:-
- Name of the Post: Associate Professor
- No of Post: 01
- Department: Tashreeh-ul-Badan
- Essential Qualifications: Possess qualification mentioned in Part D in the schedule appended to the Maharashtra Medical Practitioner’s act 1961/Mah.XXVIII Of 1961) or an equivalent qualification specified by Central Council of Indian Medicine New Delhi from time to time under the CCIM Act 1970 (48 of 1970) & possess post graduate degree in concerned subject of Unani obtained from recognized institution.
- Experience: Possess total teaching experience of 5 years in the concerned Unani Subject out of which there should be 3 years teaching experience as Assistant Professor in the concerned Unani subject from Recognized Institution.
- Possess adequate knowledge of English, Marathi, Hindi and Urdu Language
- A person selected to the post shall be required to get himself registered under the Maharashtra Medical Practitioner’s act 1961 (Mah XXVIII of 1961 or Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 (48 of 1970) before joining the appointment unless he has already registered himself.
Age:- 50 Years
General Note:-
- As Institute is Minority Institute, reservation is not applicable. Govt. of Maharashtra circular no. ASS- 2008/447/P.No.56/08/D-I dt.4-5-2009, there is no constitutional reservation of posts for Teaching staff of State Aided Minority Educational Institutions.
- Age Limit, Experience & Educational Qualifications shall be considered up-to last date of receiving applications And for selection process Govt. of Maharashtra Recruitment Rules dated 26 July 2()13 (instead of Schedule A, A-I, B & C please read this as Schedule D) & Regulations are applicable.
- Aided Post, Pay scale, age limit & Experience as per Govt. of Maharashtra rules.
The President, Mohammadia Tibbia College & Assayer Hospital Post Box 128, Mansoora, Malegaon. Dist Nashik-423203
Selection Procedure:-
Selection Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview
How to Apply:-
- Those candidates who are already in service should submit their application through proper channel.
- Application along with bio-data & attested copies of all relevant Certificates must reach to the college within Twenty one days ( on or before 21/06/2021) from the date of publication of advertisement.
- Candidates applying for the Associate Professor, who are in service of Govt/Govt Aided Colleges drawing salary from the Govt. (on Aided post in Govt. Aided Colleges) shall be eligible for age relaxation of 5 years.
- The Candidate should be domiciled in the state of Maharashtra only.
Public Notification: – Click Here